Thursday, October 23, 2008

Inspired Parent Before Conception, Pregnancy, Birth and Baby

Inspired Parenting
There are a few different elements involved in inspired parenting which will I will address in a series of articles.
One of the basics of inspired parenting is the whole idea of co-parenting with the Universe, God, Angels or whatever word/image fits for you. Inspired parenting invites in the support of the universe so you don't have to do it alone.
When you believe you have complete and sole responsibility and have to do it alone, parenting can feel overwhelming (even before conception or during pregnancy!).
When you realize that you are being loved and supported as you parent or prepare for pregnancy the whole experience becomes so much easier and joyful for all concerned (including baby).
Inspired Parenting in Pregnancy or Before
As you actually invite the universe to help you in your different tasks, you are opening the door to great joy and fulfillment in pregnancy and family life.
So every day you can ask that the universe to help you prepare for your baby, to keep your baby safe and to support his/her healthy development. You can ask that it easy for you to feel good, have energy and enjoy the pregnancy.
You can visualise all the support you need during pregnancy and when baby arrives. And any worries you have can be handed over to the angels so that they can sort it out.
In inspired parenting there is trust that all is well, that your baby is safe, that you are protected and cared for and that you can have fun.

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